

こっちに来てから、ジャック・ロンドンを少し読んでいる。今日いったのは、ロンドンが11歳くらいからたむろしていたという、オークランドのパブ、Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon.1906年地震で、床がゆがんだまま、時計がその時間(5時18分)で止まったまま。天井に、軍用のものを含めた多数の帽子。壁に通貨。ここの港から、太平洋を渡って出かける兵隊たちが、ここにお金をおいていったらしい。ロンドンは1916に死んでるけど、第二次世界大戦のころも、ここから太平洋を渡って出かけていってたんだろうな。

ロンドンが1895年、日露戦争レポートのために、日本、韓国、中国へ渡っていったときも、この港だったのかな。私は、スタンフォード図書館にあったエディションで、Jack London reports: War correspondenceを、ぱらぱら読んだ。このエディションの初版が出たのが、朝鮮戦争のころだったらしく、イントロで、今のご時世がご時世だけに、ロンドンが見た韓国での戦争を、今振り返ることが重要なのだ、とあった。





The Golden Mountain: The Autobiography of a Korean Immigrant, 1895-1960 (The Asian American Experience)

The Golden Mountain: The Autobiography of a Korean Immigrant, 1895-1960 (The Asian American Experience)

Among them I noticed a Korean man who was all dressed up like a missionary from head to foot.
Every man still wore top-knots and every boy wore a pigtail, and so did I. But this was the first Korean man I had seen who had his hair cut, and instead of a black bamboo fiber hat, he wore a dark felt hat and blue serge suit. . . . Moreover, he wore a gold watch and chain in his vest pocket! . . . Who was this man, I wanted to know. Later I learned that he was Mr. Choi Yong-wha, Dr. WellsI interpreter and assistant surgeon from Seoul. He went to the Bai-Jai School, a Methodist Mission School in Seoul, and learned to speak English. So he could speak English, too! What a lucky man was he, I thought. While Jack London was in Korea during the early days of the Russo-Japanese War, Choi went with him as his interpreter. p. 70

Charr氏は、渡米前にChoi Yong-wha氏に平壌で会っていることになる。


So he [Boss Jung] had come to the Hard Learning Club in Pyeng Yang one evening and told Choi Yong-wha, the English teacher, that he was going to learn English from him. And Choi was said to have said to him that it would be impossible for him to speak English because his lips were too thick. As a matter of fact, his lips were not at all any thicker than anybody else's. It is a fact, too, that everybody seems to have that trouble when trying to learn a foreign language at first.
Well, Jung was not discouraged by Choi's joking remark. On the contrary, he had determined more than ever to learn to speka English some day better than Choi did himself. So he did. He had gone to an American gold mining camp in the north and working as a flunky to the American engineers there, he had learned to speak English well enough to be the Korean interpreter and supervisor of the Korean settlement here. He had come to Hawaii on the first shipload, I believe. pp. 121-122. Boss Jung= Chong In-su.



