Mary Fullerの近刊

さっき、香港から帰着。行ってきた学会は、Mobilis in Mobile: International Conference in Travel Writing, The University of Hong Kong, 11-13 July 2005.

Voyages in Print: English Narratives of Travel to America 1576?1624 (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)
のMary Fullerの講演、「本物の学者」って、こういうんだな・・・。また詳しくは日記するとして

Mary Fullerの近刊みっつ。
Sea Dogs, Turks Heads, Rebellious Fish
Reading Hakluyt's "Voyages"
Ueshiba Morihei Den(The Legacy of Morihei Ueshiba, a biographuy of the founder of aikodo by his late son)
