
Awake on VE Day in unseasonable heatwave trying to whip up frenzy of emotion in self about end of war, freedom of Europe, marvelous, marvelous, etc. etc. . . . (Thank God she didn’t run off with a German.). . . I probably wasn’t even an egg when the war ended. . . . It is all a punishment, I realize, for being obsessed by shopping in a shallow, materialistic way instead of . . . painting a line down the back of my legs; also for failing to join in the VE Day celebrations. Maybe I should ring Tom and get a lovely party together for Bank Holiday Monday. Is it possible to have kitsch ironic VE day party --- like for the Royal Wedding? No, you see, you can’t be ironic about dead people. And then there’s the problem of flags. Half of Tom’s friends used to be in the Anti-Nazi league and would think the presence of Union Jacks meant we were expecting skinheads.

Anti-Nazi LeagueのHPは




American History X. ロドニー・キングがよく話しにでてきてるな。

Anti-Nazi LeagueのHPで

The outrage and hysteria in the popular press surrounding the recent arrival of Kosovan and Roma refugees into this country is nothing new. . . . People from the Caribbean and later Asian people, including Asians expelled from Uganda by Idi Amin in 1976, were met with hostility and discrimination reinforced by streams of racist propaganda.

てのがあって、ウガンダから追い出されたアジア系が主人公の映画で、「ロミジュリ」っぽくもあるともいえるのがMississippi Masala、と書こうとして、画像探したけど、ないじゃん!


そっか〜、今更だけど、Mira Nairって、『サラーム・ボンベイ


Anti-flag, 'Welcome to 1984'にぶつかっちゃった。